Online Community Policies and Rules

The following policies and rules apply to all game play servers, web pages, and forums provided by Silver Creek Entertainment. The game play servers, web pages, and forums of Silver Creek Entertainment will herein be referred to as "communities".

All participants are expected to follow the policies and rules outlined below at all times while participating in Silver Creek Entertainment's online communities. Failure to comply with any policy or rule can result in any combination of the following disciplinary actions without warning;

  • Temporary or permanent removal of chat or communication privileges.
  • Censorship or removal of any public user information including profiles, user names, and forum posts.
  • Temporary or permanent dismissal from the game play servers and forums.
  • Removal from games and or adjustment of online ratings and game points.

Online Community Naming Policy

The following types of names are considered inappropriate:

  1. Profane, offensive, racist names or slurs, swear words, lewd anatomical references, sexually explicit or homonyms of these words.

  2. Combinations of words that produce an offensive result (e.g. Dumbaz, Sex Luva).

  3. Avoid names of religious, occult, political, or significant historic origin (e.g. Jesus, Allah, Satan, Stalin). These cause conflict and may be censored if conflict does arise. Please do not pick them.

  4. References to drug substances or drug related paraphernalia. (e.g. Ecstasy, Cannabis, police codes or slang terms for such substances)

  5. Names chosen with the intent of or possessed with the effect of harming the reputation of or used to impersonate a customer or representative of Silver Creek Entertainment.

  6. Names where the combination of the first and last name violate a previous rule.
In addition, any name that is causing general unrest, disturbance, or appears that it might may be removed. Any name may be censored for any reason if a Game Guide or Silver Creek Entertainment Representative deems it necessary.
For all of the above, misspellings and alternative spellings of the word or words are also unacceptable.

Also Note: Game Guides will be looking and forming their opinion on when a player is violating this policy. When there is doubt, we suggest you make a better name. If you do not agree with their decision, DO NOT DEBATE IT ON SITE.

If a name is found to be in violation of any of the above policies, a Game Guide or member of the Customer Service Team will change the name of the character as soon as it is discovered. The participant may be notified of this name change in-game. Depending on the nature of the offensive name, the participant and account may also be subject to further disciplinary action.

Rules of Conduct

  1. You may not harass, threaten, or otherwise inconvenience other players.

  2. You may not use any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or otherwise generally rude language. This can be anything that a guide or a staff member deems inappropriate.

  3. You may not impersonate any Silver Creek Entertainment employees or representatives, past or present, including any Customer Support personnel.

  4. You may not violate any local, state, national or international law or regulation.

  5. You may not modify any part of the Game Client, Server or any part of the Silver Creek Entertainment Web Pages.

  6. You may not arrange for the exchange or transfer of any pirated or illegal software while participating in any of our communities.

  7. You will follow the instructions of authorized personnel and or Game Guides while participating in any of our communities.

  8. You may not organize nor be a member of any league or groups within our communities that are based on, or espouse, any racist, sexist, anti-religious, anti-ethnic, anti-gay, or other hate-mongering philosophy.

  9. You may not give false information or intentionally hide any information when registering for your Silver Creek Entertainment Account or Forum Membership.

  10. You will not upload or transmit any copyrighted content that you do not own all rights to, unless you have the express written permission of the author or copyright holder while participating in any of our communities.

  11. You will not attempt to interfere with, hack into, or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running Silver Creek Entertainment Software.

  12. You will not exploit any defect in our software and you will not communicate the existence of any such exploitable defect (defects that grant the user unnatural or unintended benefits in game), either directly or through public posting, to any other user of our software. You will promptly report any such defect via the in-game report system.

  13. You will not abandon or intentionally stall a game. (You will not avoid getting the loss if the seat loses.)

  14. You will not participate in "Table Talking". (That is discussing your cards with a partner at the game table, privately communicating with your partner your cards, or telling how to play or defend a hand via any instant messenger software, or by telephone as this is considered cheating. Please keep all specific card based comments to yourself until the hand/game is complete.

  15. You will not announce quitters/cheaters or make any other derogatory player comments In The Lobby:

    If you feel someone is cheating, has quit, or has done something inappropriate do not announce your opinion in the lobby or game room. Instead please use the in-game report system, and if you choose make a note not to play with the individual in the future. You may also ask a Game Guide for assistance when available.

Additional Policies and General Behavior Guidelines

In addition to the previous policies and rules listed, participants in our communities are also subject to these supplementary rules. While by no means an all-inclusive list of the do's and don't's in our communities, it provides a suitable foundation by which the participant can determine what activities are appropriate:

  1. Foul language is not permitted, in any language.

  2. Excessive use of foul language in an inappropriate context, including swear words, real-world racial slurs, and other language that is not consistent with the fantasy environment and designed to hurt, will be considered a disruption.

    The existence of the filter is not a license to be profane.

  3. You may not harass others. Harassment is defined as specifically targeting another player or group of players to harm or inconvenience them. As harassment can take many forms, the Customer Support Team or Game Guides involved will make a determination as to whether or not a "reasonable person" would feel harassed and act accordingly. In general, if someone asks you to leave them alone or stop bothering them, you should.

  4. You may not disrupt the normal playability of the game or the lobby.

    Game/Lobby Disruption is defined as any activity designed to harm or inconvenience the lobby, or other players in general. The lobby is there to help connect players for games and to otherwise add to your enjoyment of the game.

      Game/Lobby Disruption includes, but is not limited to:

    • Refusing to cooperate with the other parties in resolving a game issue

    • Making excessive and inappropriate use of public channels of communications. (i.e flooding, typing in excessive caps, and generally being obnoxious.)

    • Causing intentional ratings loss to other players via dishonest means (deliberately impeding the view of players by blocking their screen with text, intentionally losing a game, etc.)

    • Making public complaints, arguing with other player or Game Guides, slandering other players and Game Guides, and generally clogging the lobby view with off-topic or inappropriate chat that would in no way relate to our game. This includes any conversations about politics or other subjects that other players may not wish to see or may find offensive.

  5. You may not defraud other players.

    Fraud is defined as falsely representing one's intentions to make a gain at another's expense. Examples of this activity include, but are not limited to, using deception to deprive another player of their account, slandering another player or impersonating them with the intention of causing harm to that player's reputation, or falsely representing one's identity in order to gain access to another player's account or account information.

    Fraud in all transactions between players may result in disciplinary action when confirmed by a Silver Creek Entertainment Representative. The best way to protect yourself is to keep your passwords and other private information to yourself.

  6. You may not abuse other players or Customer Service Representatives.

      The following actions would be considered abuse:

    • Hate Mongering - Participation in or propagation of hate literature, behavior, or propaganda related to real-world characteristics.

    • Sexual Abuse or Harassment - Untoward and/or unwelcome advances of a graphic and sexual nature. This includes, but is not limited to, virtual rape, overt sexual overtures, and stalking of a sexual nature.

    • Attempting to Defraud a Silver Creek Entertainment Representative - Petitioning false information with the intent of receiving benefits as a result. This includes reporting false ratings defects, rating or game losses, or accusing other players of wrong doing without basis for it.

    • Impersonating a Customer Service Representative - falsely representing yourself to another player as a Game Guide or a Silver Creek Entertainment Employee.

    • Silver Creek Entertainment Representative Abuse - This includes, but is not limited to, sending excessive requests for help (as an individual or group), making physical threats, or using abusive or rude language against a Silver Creek Entertainment Representative.

    • Implying Favoritism From Silver Creek Entertainment Representatives - Stating that employees of Silver Creek Entertainment or members of the Game Guide program will show favor towards one or more parties involved in any given situation. This includes, but is not limited to, using threats of retribution or inferring that you will not be held responsible for your actions due to immunity or special consideration.

      If you complain about a Game Guide decision or issue in the lobby you can be reprimanded. if you feel a Game Guide is showing favor to one or more parties please use the in-game report system or email our support department.

      Note: This list is not all-inclusive. Other actions may be determined as abuse at the discretion of Silver Creek Entertainment Representatives.
  7. Copying and pasting others chat into the lobby or game does not excuse you from what was pasted. If the content of the copied chat is not appropriate then you will be responsible for the content. If chat needs to be verified please file a report with the relevant details and we will be able to research it.
  8. You will most likely come in contact with players you won't like. That is why you have been provided the Mute Tool and Kick Tool.

    You can choose to block your viewing of another player's chat by using the Mute Tool. To access the Mute Tool, right-click on the player you wish to mute and choose "Ignore" followed by "Add".

    You can choose to kick or ban another player if they have not made a move for more than two minutes. To access the Kick Tool, right-click on the player you wish to kick and choose "Vote" followed by "Kick" or "Kick/Ban". A majority vote will be required.

    If you are the host of the game and no moves have been made in the game yet you can choose to kick or ban another player without a vote. Follow the same process as described above to initiate the kick.

    Game Guides are also sometimes available to help. Look for a name displayed in blue text to identify a Game Guide.

Silver Creek Entertainment reserves the right to change its policies at any time.

Community Conduct and Server Privacy

We are not responsible for the conduct of community participants.

Your participation in chats (in a game or in the lobby), are subject to review modification, and deletion without notice. There is no private chat on our servers. All chat is logged by the server for potential review.

Staff or Game Guides are not always able to monitor community participants conversations or game play at individual game tables and therefore users are empowered to remove watchers, boot players, and otherwise enforce the server rules whenever possible.

Please understand that the community servers are currently provided for FREE to players of our full version and trial version software and we retain the right to use disciplinary action on anyone as we deem necessary. No refund for the games will be given due to issues occurring on the game servers.

Tournament Posting Rules

      1. If you are posting in a lobby for an upcoming tournament, you may post a notice a maximum of once every 10 minutes and not more than one hour prior to the tournament.

      2. You may increase the rate to once every 2.5 minutes in the last 10 minutes before the tournament starts.

      3. You should alternate posts with other tournament announcements. Do not post right after someone else has posted about another tournament. Wait at least one minute before you post yours.
      4. Do not post the same tournament as another player. It is best if the Tournament Director or someone appointed by the Tournament Director handles all the posting.

      5. If a Game Guide or Silver Creek Entertainment Representative asks you to stop posting or asks you to change your posting you must do so.

      6. All imagery on your tournament web site must be suitable for a general audience. No adult only pictures. No genitals or lewd depictions. No genitals or pubic hair shall be visible in any way. Other sexually based imagery may be removed at our discretion.